The Razorblade of Zen introduces Zen Buddhism and its unique meditation as a nonmystical, plain and simple, physical approach to finding sanctuary and self-examination amid the hectic everyday life that people face. Many people still harbor misconceptions about Zen despite the main-streaming of meditation and the dissemination of Zen publishing. This book clarifies the real Zen and defines its place in our culture as simply and directly as possible, placing the practice of Zen where it belongs in today’s cultural and ideological context: occupying the middle ground between extremes of rationalist science and theistic religion. From this perspective, living with Zen becomes possible without compromising the demands of living in the world today.
Michael Elliston has enjoyed a robust career in the creative professions: fine art, graphic arts, product design development and consumer research, marketing, planning and design, and teaching as a professor at the Art Institute of Chicago and University of Illinois at Chicago Circle Campus. He consults in a variety of areas of innovation with emerging tech companies. He began training in Zen in the 1960s and founded the Atlanta Soto Zen Center in the 1970s. He is currently abbot and guiding teacher of one of the largest and most active networks of Zen centers for lay practitioners in the US and Canada. Visit www.ASZC.com or www.STORDER.org.
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