Ungan Zenko Bill Mayhew began dharma study with Eido Roshi of Dai Bosatsu Zendo from 1997 until 2004. He then practiced with Gentei Sandy Stewart of the North Carolina Zen Center until 2015. Sandy was a longtime student of Joshu Sasaki Roshi. Both these teachers were in the Rinzai linage. Ungan Zenko began sitting with Dr. Roger Chochran (Seigetsu) at the Jacksonville Soto Zen center. He became a student of Taiun Elliston Roshi of the Silent Thunder Order and when Seigetsu moved back to Atlanta, Ungan Zenko became the Practice leader at the Jacksonville Soto Zen center. He was ordained as a Novice Priest in 2019. He lives in Jacksonville, FL.

Ungan Zenko Bill Mayhew
Transmitted Priest
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