(All times ET)
06:00 PM – 07:00 PM | Arrival/Orientation |
07:00 PM – 07:30 PM | Meet & Greet Newcomers |
07:30 PM – 09:00 PM | Newcomers Workshop |
Thursday – Friday – Saturday
05:30 AM – 06:00 AM | Wakeup Bell |
06:00 AM – 07:30 AM | Meditation/Service (Zazen 2@25-5) |
07:30 AM – 09:00 AM | Breakfsst/Cleanup |
09:00 AM – 10:30 AM | Meditation Session (Zazen 3@25-5) |
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM | SMR Dharma Talk |
12:00 PM – 01:30 PM | Lunch/Cleanup |
01:30 PM – 03:00 PM | Meditation Session (Zazen 3@25-5) |
03:00 PM – 03:30 PM | Bussorai & Woman’s Heritage Chant |
03:30 PM – 05:00 PM | Meditation Session (Zazen 3@25-5) |
05:00 PM – 06:30 PM | Supper/Cleanup |
06:30 PM – 07:00 PM | Break |
07:00 PM – 08:30 PM | SMR Dharma Talk (Thursday: Music) |
08:30 PM – 09:00 PM | Meditation/Service (Thursday: Music) |
05:30 AM – 06:00 AM | Wakeup Bell |
06:00 AM – 07:30 AM | Meditation/Service (Zazen 2@25-5) |
07:30 AM – 09:00 AM | Breakfast/Cleanup |
09:00 AM – 10:30 AM | Meditation/Service (Zazen 3@25-5) |
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM | SMR Final Dharma Talk & Discussion |
12:00 PM – 01:30 PM | Lunch/Invitational |

Thursday 9/28 1030am ET
“Why Did Matsuoka Come From the West?”
Shikiku Arthur Stovall
Began Buddhist practice at 16yo in 1972. Came to ASZC in 1990, became a disciple in 1992 and was ordained in 1994. Lived in Switzerland from 2008 to 2023 while continuing lay practice.

Friday 9/29 1030am ET
Eijun Carola Butler, Sensei
When I was six my parents sent me to Sunday school. I came home from the first meeting and refused to go back again. The family story is that I said “All they ever did was talk about some guy named Jesus and it was boring.” Fortunately for me my parents never again tried to make me into a Christian.
The summer I turned fifteen I determined to read every book by Aldous Huxley that could be found in the Columbus Georgia public library. One of the last ones I read was called “What Vedanta Means to Me.” That led me to the books about Hinduism, which I thought were sort of like me; on the next shelf were the books on Buddhism which I thought was a whole lot like me. Later on I read books about Zen and decided that that was me.
I sat by myself as well as I could until 1983 or 4 when I found ASZC and Hojo. I have practiced with him ever since. I was given the Rakusu by Matsuoka sensei in 1989 and received my black robe in 2010.
I met Kaaren Wiken sewing my Okesa and became her apprentice. I am now the sewing teacher for ASZC and a member of the council of the group formerly known as the Zen Buddhist Sewing Teachers.

Friday 9/29 700pm ET
“Freedom, Matsuoka Style”
Tesshin James Smith, Sensei
Tesshin is a transmitted priest of the Matsuoka lineage who has been training in Zen since 1978 under the guidance of Rev. Zenkai Taiun Michael Elliston Roshi.
My talk will focus on O-Sensei’s teaching from the Zen Ethics and Virtue section of The Kyosaku titled “To Attain Freedom” from May 31, 1964.
Saturday 9/30 1030am ET
“Matsuoka for Beginners”
Katsuryu Bill Cooper
Katsuryu is currently in training with the Silent Thunder Order and is the Practice Leader of Bellevue Dharma, an STO Affiliate in Washington. Bellevue Dharma meets online on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday each month. Newcomers are welcome to join us. Katsuryu met his first Buddhist teacher, Matsuoka Roshi, in 1981. Following initiation (Jukai) and discipleship (Shukke), he was ordained as a Zen priest in 1986.

Saturday 9/30 700pm ET
“Matsuoka Roshi, History & Wisdom”
Zenku Jerry Smyers, Sensei
Zenku Jerry Smyers is a Soto Zen Priest in the Lineages of Soyu Matsuoka Roshi and Shohaku Okumura Roshi. Zenku began his training as a disciple of Kongo Langlois Roshi, Abbot of the Zen Buddhist Temple of Chicago (ZBTC), and a dharma-heir of Matsuoka Roshi, in 1976. Zenku trained at the Zen Buddhist Temple of Chicago and was ordained a Zen Priest in 1982. Zenku was a Priest in Chicago until 2005, assisting Kongo Roshi until his passing in 1999, and then providing Temple leadership. In 2005, Zenku moved to Montana and established the Mission Mountain Zen Group in Dayton Montana. In 2010 Zenku became a disciple of Taiun Elliston Roshi. In 2012, Zenku received dharma transmission from Taiun Roshi. Zenku is a full member of the Soto Zen Buddhist Association (SZBA).
Sunday 10/01 1030am ET
“Meeting Buddha in Person”
Tessen Stuart Ericksen
Tessen Stuart Ericksen became a disciple Rev Kongo Langlois Roshi, a Dharma heir of Matsuoka Roshi, in 1990. After Kongo Roshi’s passing, Tessen has continued his training with Rev Taiun Elliston Roshi, a brother Dharma heir to Matsuoka Roshi.

Zenkai Taiun Michael Elliston, Abbot (Hojo)
Taiun Roshi’s involvement with Zen began in 1965 when he met Matsuoka Roshi, founder and head teacher of the ZBTC. After two years of training under Matsuoka Roshi’s supervision and at his suggestion, he underwent a combined initiation and discipleship ceremony, and was given his first dharma name, Taiun, “Great Cloud.”
Taiun Roshi was registered with the Soto Shu in Japan July 13, 1969 (Priesthood Register No. 164, Soto Zen Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan) and ordained as a Zen Priest March 22, 1970. He continued his duties at ZBTC until 1970, when he moved to Atlanta, the same year that Matsuoka Roshi moved to Long Beach, leaving Kongo Roshi in charge of ZBTC. In the early 1970s Hojo began offering Zen meditation and teaching at the Cliff Valley Way UU Church of Atlanta. In 1977 he founded the Atlanta Soto Zen Center (ASZC). Matsuoka Roshi presented the title of “roshi”, which he called “the P.H.D. of Zen” to Hojo in a special ceremony at ASZC on September 20, 1983.
Hojo completed “Shuso” (head student) training and precepts ceremony with Seirin Barbara Kohn of Austin Zen Center (Suzuki lineage). He completed Transmission (Shiho) ceremony with Shohaku Okumura (Sawaki-Uchiyama lineage) in August of 2007. Taiun Roshi is a full member of SZBA.
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