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Several recent events inspire me to write a, hopefully, short piece about our sangha here...
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Several recent events inspire me to write a, hopefully, short piece about our sangha here...
The Razorblade of Zen, by Michael Elliston Roshi. Forward by Hoko Karnegis. 208 pp. 2023,...
From Katsuryu Bill Cooper Dear Sangha, Thank you for being a part of the Forum...
To Social, or not to Social? In light of the most recent of seemingly endless...
A Newsletter dedicated to prison sangha practitioners and those whose lives are touched by them....
It reshapes our interactions based on our cravings effectively leading us to neglect the everyday task of living with each other and living well.
If a person has perseverance, it doesn’t matter whether they are a man or a woman, wise or stupid.
Recently, I noticed that many people find our website by searching on the term “zen...
Recently, I noticed that many people find our website by...
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash That Old...
Virtually real —We see it just as it is,Sitting with fixed...
Memorial Day Sneaks up on you with a bang! What to remember?...
This work by the Silent Thunder Order is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0