Sensei Tauin Michael Elliston-roshi Matsuoka Roshi would often declare Zen has no conflict with the...
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Sensei Tauin Michael Elliston-roshi Matsuoka Roshi would often declare Zen has no conflict with the...
Picture by Sagui Andrea from Pexels When I asked for suggestions for a topic for...
Picture by Karolina Grabowski from Pexels The Real Revolution Begins at Home It has always...
Picture by Karolina Grabowski from Pexels Why Zen Does Not Teach Mental Techniques Matsuoka Roshi...
Picture by Sergio Omassi from Pexels Homelessness in America is now the “lifestyle” of over...
Picture by Pixaby from Pexels First let’s challenge the idea that we are, actually, doing...
Picture by VisionPic.net from Pexels “So, to dream of a bright future does not mean...
Picture by Rodlfo Clix from Pexels “What Buddha was before his insight was the same...
Rev. Dr. Soya Matsuoka-roshi For Founder’s month each year, we celebrate Matsuoka Roshi’s coming to...
Picture by Kaique Rocha from Pexels In my manuscript for “The Original Frontier” I am...
Recently, I noticed that many people find our website by...
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash That Old...
Virtually real —We see it just as it is,Sitting with fixed...
Memorial Day Sneaks up on you with a bang! What to remember?...
This work by the Silent Thunder Order is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0