Reincarnation, Rebirth and Resurrection
This time of year, Easter or Passover brings to mind the life, death, and resurrection...
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Elliston-Roshi began his engagement with Zen in 1966, when he met Rev. Soyu Matsuoka-roshi, founder and head teacher of the Chicago Zen Buddhist Temple (CZBT). He contacted Zen through Rev. Soyu Matsuoka-roshi in the mid-sixties, becoming his disciple in short order, and later founded the Atlanta Soto Zen Center(ASZC) in the 1970s. Elliston-Roshi is the current Abbot of ASZC, which is one of the largest and most active centers for lay practitioners of Zen in the United States today. After two years of training under Matsuoka-roshi’s supervision, and at his suggestion, he underwent a combined Initiation and Discipleship ceremony, and was given the dharma name Taiun, meaning “great cloud.” Later he was given a second name Zenkai, which means “whole world.” In the Zen world, his preferred address is, simply “sensei” (teacher).
This time of year, Easter or Passover brings to mind the life, death, and resurrection...
Visiting our affiliate center in Savannah on Cinco de Mayo, I was asked to talk...
This line—”Time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping, into the future”—from the Steve Miller Band’s hit...
This line from Master Dogen’s Fukanzazengi follows after “You already have the good fortune to be born...
Most year-end commentaries suffer from the predictability of commencement speeches, owing to the sheer number...
Some have made the well-meaning mistake of referring to myself, as well as to others...
Two recent editorials in the New York Times caught my attention, the first from July...
Zen is simple, but not easy. As I have mentioned elsewhere, it would be difficult...
It is stunning to witness the almost blatant ignorance often exhibited by folks who should...
Soto Zen was traditionally called the practice of “silent illumination.” This tasted like a pejorative...
Recently, I noticed that many people find our website by...
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash That Old...
Virtually real —We see it just as it is,Sitting with fixed...
Memorial Day Sneaks up on you with a bang! What to remember?...
This work by the Silent Thunder Order is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0