Romancing the Stone
Photo by Pixaby from Pexels. No, it’s not about the 1984 movie staring Michael Douglas...
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Elliston-Roshi began his engagement with Zen in 1966, when he met Rev. Soyu Matsuoka-roshi, founder and head teacher of the Chicago Zen Buddhist Temple (CZBT). He contacted Zen through Rev. Soyu Matsuoka-roshi in the mid-sixties, becoming his disciple in short order, and later founded the Atlanta Soto Zen Center(ASZC) in the 1970s. Elliston-Roshi is the current Abbot of ASZC, which is one of the largest and most active centers for lay practitioners of Zen in the United States today. After two years of training under Matsuoka-roshi’s supervision, and at his suggestion, he underwent a combined Initiation and Discipleship ceremony, and was given the dharma name Taiun, meaning “great cloud.” Later he was given a second name Zenkai, which means “whole world.” In the Zen world, his preferred address is, simply “sensei” (teacher).
Photo by Pixaby from Pexels. No, it’s not about the 1984 movie staring Michael Douglas...
Photo by Anna-Louise from pexels. Each year at this time we look back, sometimes with...
Improvisation is a term that may apply to all, or at least most, activities in life;...
Rev. Dr. Matsuoka Roshi “Be careful of that one little thing that you allow yourself…...
With apologies to Master Huineng, or whomever actually published his biography, which we are studying...
Photo by Simon Migaj from Pexels Last Saturday, we held the fourth annual conference of the network of...
Photo by Noelle Otto from Pexels The following request was sent to me by one of our more...
Photo by Johannes Plenio from Pexels In the ancient Chinese poems that we are studying in the current...
As a young Zen monk named Seikan Hasegawa recounted in “The Cave of Poison Grass”...
Photo by levy from Pexels The faux debate between adherents of creationism and promulgators of evolution has given...
Recently, I noticed that many people find our website by...
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash That Old...
Virtually real —We see it just as it is,Sitting with fixed...
Memorial Day Sneaks up on you with a bang! What to remember?...
This work by the Silent Thunder Order is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0