Taiun Elliston Roshi, is founder, guiding teacher, and Abbot of both the Silent Thunder Order and the Atlanta Soto Zen Center. Through his fifty-year effort Taiun Roshi has shared the Dharma with thousands. Seldom has a Soto Zen Buddhist leader done as much for so many. We give Taiun Roshi and Diane Elliston 108 bows for all they have done.
In 2018, the Board of the Silent Thunder Order approved a $30,000 campaign to create financial support for the Ellistons, to be made available to them in January, 2024.
Phase 1 of the campaign was the Quiet Phase, where ten senior leaders and longtime friends of the Ellistons pledge $16,750 or 56% of the goal of the campaign. In addition, currently $6,000, of that pledge, has been donated and monies placed in a Vanguard Financial Management Fund.
Now in Phase 2, the Public Phase, all of us have the opportunity to show appreciation for the Ellistons’ years of service. This Campaign is designed as a onetime opportunity for us to pledge an amount and contribute to help establish a financial nest egg for the Ellistons. This initiative is separate from our ongoing monthly support for our Abbot through STO donations. And, it is easy to do.
- Decide what amount you would like to pledge. While we suggest a minimum of $100, whatever you pledge is important and very much appreciated. Remember, STO is a 501c3 not-for-profit organization, so all donations are tax deductible.
- Once you decide on the amount you wish to pledge, simply email the amount you wish to designate to the Zenku Jerry Smyers-sensei, Treasurer of STO, at Jerry.Smyers@gmail.com.
- Once you pledge, you have until December 31, 2023. to complete payment of your pledged amount. See donation options below.
- Send a check made out to STO, designating that this is for the Abbot’s Fund.
- Send the check to the following address: Jerry Smyers / 25364 Old US Highway 93 / Dayton, MT 59914
- All pledging and donation amounts are confidential. However, the names of all who give any amount, will be given to the Ellistons in January 2024 as the fund is formally made available to them.
- Each person giving to The Abbot’s Fund, will receive a small gift of appreciation for their contribution.
- Regular updates on the status of pledges and dollar amounts received will be provided.
Click button above to make your donation via credit card.
Please join us in pledging and helping share our generosity with Taiun Roshi and Diane as they have shared the Dharma with us.
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